The Luci-Glo™ luciferase detection system is designed for firefly luciferase (Photinus pyralis) glow assays and optimized for the LinkLight™ assays. The Luci-Glo™ luciferase detection reagent can be used in general to quantitate firefly luciferase activity in mammalian cell culture. The homogeneous assay provides highly sensitive and long-lived luminescence signals with half-lives of over 2 hours in commonly used cell culture media, ideal for high through-put operation in 96, 384, and 1536 assay plates, and does not require sample preprocessing.
Advanced Features:
- Highly sensitive and stable luminescence signal.
- Simple, one-step homogeneous assay protocol without removing culture medium or wash cells before adding assay reagent.
- High-throughput assay applications in 96-, 384-, 1536-well plates.
- No need for a luminescence reader equipped with injectors.
Product Sizes and Storage Conditions:
Size of Luci-Glo™ Cata. # Price
100 mL L-0100 $565.00
10 X 100 mL L-1000 $4950.00
Luci-Glo™ is an assay-ready reagent. It should be stored at –20°C for up to three months. Repeated freezing and thawing of Luci-Glo™ reagent should be avoided.
Thaw the Luci-Glo assay reagent to room temperature, add an equal volume of Luci-Glo™ assay reagent to each well of cell culture plates, record the luminescence signals after 3 min incubation.

Comparison of Luci-Glo™ and XXX-Glo (a Glo regent on the market) reaction kinetics for firefly luciferase expressed in mammalian HEK293 cells. A firefly luciferase-expressing HEK293 cells were seed in a white opaque 384-well cell culture plate, with 20,000 cells per well in 20 microliters of DMEM with 10% FBS. After overnight culture, 20 microliters of Luci-Glo™ or XXX-Glo reagent were added to the cells, and relative luminescence unit (RLU) signals were recorded in EnVision (Perkin-Elmer). Luminescence measurements
were integrated over 0.1 seconds per well. The RLU of Luci-Glo™ was very stable after 2 hours added in cells.
Our products are for research use only, not for diagnostic or therapeutic use.
Pricing is for US dollars.
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